Pet Therapy - Improving The Quality Of Life

With 39 per cent of households in the United States held 77.5 million dogs, it is not surprising to know that dogs bring joy to people. (American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, 2010). Pets on the whole beneficial to people because they offer convenience, acceptance and loving connection. A study in the Journal of American Geriatrics demonstrates that "independent living with older animals often have better physical health and mental well-being than those who do not. They are more active, cope with stress better and better general health. also reported reduced hospital stay and reduced health care costs than non-pet owners. "

Dogs better health

Dr Deborah Wells, a psychologist from Queen's University Belfast, UK, confirmed after examining dozens of research papers that pet owners to be better general health than those who do not tend to their own pets. He said dog owners suffered fewer minor ailments and serious health problems.

To support this theory, the journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study, the beneficial effects of pet ownership on some aspects of health and human behavior, says: "... new pet owners be notified in a significant reduction in minor health problems the first five months after the PET results provide evidence procurement and acquisitions can have positive effects on human health and behavior, and that dog owners, these effects are a relatively long period. "This means that pet owners need less visits to the doctor and had less need for medication.

How did this happen? Dogs in particular offer these benefits to their human family:

Less stress and lower blood pressure health service, news that operate in difficult behavior, people experience less stress when their pets with them than when they support a friend or spouse nearby.

Higher amount of movement - As dog owners need to exercise dogs, to participate in more physical activity than non-dog owners.

Better social interaction - Dogs have a funny way of bringing people together. Dog lovers are not shy when approaching another person with the dog. It facilitates social interaction between people and between people and dogs. One study even showed that people in wheelchairs, along with dog experience more positive social interaction with strangers.

Benefit of all - people will benefit from unconditional love and companionship pets offer. People feel needed, loved, valued and less isolated. Louis University Medical Center research that nursing home residents who scored high on a loneliness scale said he wants one dog to one weekly visit. After six weeks, residents have experienced a sharp decline in their loneliness.

Pet ownership and do not have a big responsibility for everyone. The cost of caring for a pet and will be considered prior to cater for the new four-legged family member. However, the benefits of owning a dog or cat greatly outweigh the disadvantages and improve the overall health of the owner.

Therapy dogs prove to be a star

The hypothesis that dogs improve people's health for a long time. Already in the 18th century it became therapy dogs to help psychiatric patients with mental disorders socialize. Today, the expanded use of therapy dogs in many areas of healthcare, including nursing homes and hospitals.

From Susan, OhomeCare owner (, a company that home care services and therapy dog ​​in Denver, Colorado, says: "We have seen with my own eyes, the elderly therapy dog ​​can feel accepted, and comfort confidence to win. "

People with Alzheimer's smiling and laughing as a result of interaction with dogs Buttram, D. 2004). Patients undergoing joint replacement therapy dogs and require a visit with a pain medication 50 per cent less, paragraph 2009 Plunkett).

"The main problem with the emotional and physical disorders, leading to an inability to function normally. Dogs help standardize many of us. Proposal relating to care and think positively," said Bob Howat, a licensed marriage and family therapist.

Stories and statistics provide insight into why the human mind moved his unwavering love and therapy dogs.

Dr. Dog?

They will take the dog "man's best friend" to "men's favorite doctor?" Some dogs are trained to identify cancer samples, respond to others already on the status of the owner yourself. However, researchers supported by the results of studies that led to confirmation that the disease is emitting odor and dogs have a sensitive sense of smell enough to raise them. sniffer dogs are still major health problems and other medical community to relieve detect

Cancer detection dogs for the first time early in 1980, when Gill dog Lacey, Trudi smell his leg. He realized that smell on a small pier. The mole is malignant melanoma, a fatal form of cancer. The dog sensed something wrong, and so save his life.

Cancer in various forms has been shown that dogs can feel the disease accurately. Using urine samples from people with or without bladder and prostate cancer samples correctly identified the dog. British Medical Journal published a study by scientists from Amersham Hospital, where there were 41 dogs per cent success rate for bladder cancer smell.

Scientists are surprised when all of the dogs said that one of the "cancer-free" sample was cancer samples. Patients who gave the study sample and examined before we detect cancer. Tested patients. It is incredible that the tests show a tumor in the right kidney of the patient, who had escaped the diagnosis of common medical tests first.

PSA (prostate specific antigen) test, commonly used to detect cancer have a high false positive rate. According to the head of urology at the University of New York, Anthony Y. Smith, MD: "If all men with high PSA scores tend to have a biopsy, less than a third will actually have cancer."

Unlike the 66 tests, trained dogs selected sample of people with prostate cancer 63 times with only three false alarms.

Dogs even have a real ability to breast and lung cancer to find out. For cancers, dogs are trained subjects breathing tube is held in perfume. The results were astonishing 88 per cent and 97 per cent for breast cancer treatment Cancer Integrative paragraph). Dogs trained at an early stage of the two cancers, the study confirmed.

Another incredible performance of our furry friends, their ability at the beginning of this chapter to show that diabetics. Organization called Cancer and Bio Detection Dogs trained dogs in Great Britain to recognize when their owners are with, or diabetes should have an episode with body odor. One of the instructors are diabetic, so if you have a hypo attack, she placed the body smell of cotton and put it in a bottle. When the bottle is opened, the dog is trained to lick his face and his insulin kit obtained.

Dogs are trained to respond to problems, diabetes, allowing their owners more freedom to live their lives, because the dog often find attack before it happens. This step allows the owner to the sugar in his or her blood, not solve the real problem.

The next step is for researchers to determine what chemical or chemicals in diseases that dogs respond to them. Then the medical facility, the "electronic nose" to be ready to pick up the scent and will lead the way for early detection of disease is present.

Dogs have always been a natural favorite pet for many Americans. Dogs have their value in medicine for a long time their existence as a comfort to many patients are ill and aging. Now we hope to give a massive increase in disease detection also.

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