Dogs And Happiness - On Being A Perfect Dog Owner

Is there such thing as a perfect dog owner? And if so, what it look? How to become an associate member as a kind of dog owner?

It's a dog must strive for perfection, right? It's a dog, pooch owners duty to learn to be the best you can be? It must adapt to the dog happiness for its people and its owners are forced to learn all the lessons that he has a valuable member of society, or is it?

The state dog and make it behave, so why worry about how to make you perfect?

By the way, there is no such thing as perfection - that 80% do!

But each of us is the little voice that called on us to try to impossible - at least in our relations. For the perfect caregiver for our furry friend. Clever marketing strategists take advantage of our feelings and wishes to buy their products and suggest that we are bad people, dogs, if we do not follow their advice. What if we understand that excellence means different things to in dogs than humans do? What if we suddenly discovered that it is easy to worry our perfect partner, the dog needs can easily be met?

After all, what dog is actually needed?

* Someone to love and trust
* Someone who loved and trusted him
* A healthy diet is good
* Fresh, clean water
* Clean Air
* Company
* The clear rules and regulations
* Practice
* Time to play and explore
* Nice dry place to rest

This is a description of your dog's paradise. Sounds familiar, no? They are not the same things that would make a good foundation for your own happiness?

Dogs love the simple things in life, do not worry about expensive toys or straps - everything for your dog to you and your part time, preferably outside the bank and spend a lot of moving along the fresh air. The problem is that we have so little time, all the time!

So buying expensive toys and equipment for your dog may seem simpler than it really is sharing time together and this is where many people go wrong because dogs are material. The only thing money can not buy is time. The more money you spend on unnecessary things, the less time you have on hand, so what you enjoy.

Why does a dog owner today and perfect attendance some time to enjoy much loving friend?

As loyal and loving dog owner you are trying to do what you can make your dog happy.

Protected from damage, the optimal diet and lifestyle, as well as good teaching is important to overall health.

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